Diary of 66


Available on backorder


Diary of 66 is available for preorder. It will ship on or before its release date of October 15, 2024

Diary of 66: The Night I Burned Alive by Alexandra Furnea

One Woman’s Triumph Over Tragedy and Injustice

“The Diary of 66″ is the memoir of a young journalist, written after the terrible Colectiv club fire that injured her and countless others, claiming the lives of 65 people in total. This book will take the reader on a journey through the ordeal she endured at the hands of the impoverished Romanian medical system, as well as through the long and winding healing process. It is a social commentary on the dangers and ills of corruption that still wreak havoc on Eastern European countries such as Romania.

The Colectiv Club fire, a devastating tragedy that unfolded in Bucharest, Romania on October 30, 2015, stands as a haunting reminder of the consequences of negligence and corruption.


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