Histria was an important center of culture, commerce, and civilization in the ancient world, located on the Black Sea coast, near the mouth of the Danube. Histria Books continues the legacy of its namesake, publishing general interest books, fiction and literature, and children’s books, as well as scholarly books in broad range of categories. Originally established in 1996 as an academic publishing house, since 2017, Histria Books is an independent publishing house with offices in Las Vegas and Palm Beach. Its imprints include:

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Center for Romanian Studies
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Addison & Highsmith
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Histria Kids
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Prende Publishing
Prende Publishing is an imprint dedicated focus on books about contemporary lifestyle, the entertainment industry, as well as creative works of poetry, graphic novels and comics. Named for the Albanian goddess of love and beauty, Prende Publishing seeks to break down barriers, challenge established norms, and overcome prejudice and discrimination in all its forms.
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